
  • About Us

    Business are challenged daily to improve quality, delivery, and service for customers. Growing market share while improving profits requires the ability to balance operating efficiency throughout your organization. Supply chain strategy and operations are an integral part of any business whether it be product or services centric. Collinear Alliance can provide you with solutions to attain the greatest efficiency from your supply chain and operations!
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  • New Projects

    • Oil & Gas Equipment Production Scheduling Implementation
      An global oil & gas equipment company has asked Collinear to help them plan numerous production floors (machine shop) across the country to optimize asset utilization and order promising. Dated....
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    • Cosmetics Supply Chain Planning Process Implementation
      A global cosmetics company has asked Collinear to redesign their Demand Planning and Supply Planning Processes while implementing a new supply chain planning software. To date, planning....
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    • ERP/WMS Conversion Support
      Collinear Alliance members have been engaged to provide assistance for an international consumer goods firm with their IT systems conversion. The project will involve Tier 1 ERP and WMS software applications. Experienced resources will be helping with both requirements and planning definitions as well as detailed systems execution tasks. Faced with acquisition…
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    • Direct-to-Consumer Distribution Template
      Members of the Collinear Alliance have recently been engaged by a leading retailer to provide guidance on a multi-site distribution systems rollout. Experiencing explosive growth in their direct-to-consumer distribution channel and faced with increasing shipping charges, our client needed to develop a distribution systems template that could be rolled out…
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    • 3PL Provider Selection Assistance
      An existing Hi-Tech Collinear Alliance client has requested resources for assistance in conducting an objective selection of 3PL services for their nationwide inventory management program. The scope of the work will encompass the traditional key steps of a Selection process, including Requirements Definition, RFP Preparation, RFP Response Evaluation and…
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  • Latest From Press/Events

    Check out the list of great events for 2024 and 2025. There's something for every supply chain professional. Plus we have some RSS feeds from the more popular and relevant industry news sources in one convenient page!
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